Author Archives: The Dude

The Two Secrets You’ll Need to Get Yourself Motivated

I’ve researched and written about motivation several times over the years, and the more I learn about it, the more I realize that motivation isn’t that complicated. Sure, there are all kinds of tips and mental hacks that can help, and many tactics and strategies I’ve used with a range of success. But it really […]

Top 3 Reasons Why Time Management Systems Fail

I have been involved in team productivity for many years, agile business processes, and more recently with personal productivity as it became my desire to go solo, to be my own boss, to create my own business. And these businesses centered primarily around helping others. Online education and motivation for the most part. And it […]

6 Mind-blowing Productivity Hacks

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] 1. Multitasking & Distractions Multitasking is a productivity myth, it can cost you up to 40% more time than single-tasking, according to the American Psychological Association’s research…getting things done without distraction is one of the greatest productivity boosters. A Stanford study shows that multitasking may even impair your cognitive control, that you’re a sucker […]

The DFE Personal Productivity System

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In my professional career I have been involved in extremely complex jobs, starting when I was a research scientist for Raytheon, to running a consulting business, to chief technologist in a fortune 50 company, then as an international technology management consultant, and now as an online entrepreneur. The demands on my time and the complexity […]

5 Ways to Motivate Yourself

Achieving goals is not a matter of having “discipline”. It’s a matter of motivating yourself, and keeping your focus on your goal. Follow these tips and you should have the motivation and focus you need. Chart Your Progress. Recently I posted about 5 Productivity Systems and one of the systems was called the Seinfeld System. It’s […]