Meditation For Beginners – 14 Steps To a More Beautiful Mind

I’ve talked a lot about the importance of creating good habits, showed you why, and how to create great habits. It’s the key to living an exceptional life. But if I were to single out one habit above all others, if I was plopped down on a desert island with only one habit, which would […]

How to Stay Motivated And In The Zone

So, you’re playing golf…no (I suck at golf), you’re playing 9-ball with someone who’s speed (ability) is clearly below your own. Let’s be real, it’s fun to win, but after a while it get’s boring, especially if there’s nothing staked. The game is too easy. On the opposite end of the spectrum, if you try […]

Nothing Is Important When Everything Is Important – 3 Ways To Prioritize

There’s this piece of advice my grandfather use to throw out there when the situation was right, when trying to make a decision with conflicting priorities. He used to say, “If everything is important, then nothing is.” -Gramps Varitimos That’s the big idea I wanted to convey in this article, that everything can’t be as […]

13 Ways to Cop a Positive Attitude

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Enthusiasm is contagious, laughter is contagious, expressing an over-the-top positive attitude is contagious. People can’t help themselves when they are with someone that is overwhelmingly positive, it rubs off on them. It’s not just a positive attitude that’s contagious, all sorts of emotions are contagious, even auto-responsive acts are contagious…try not yawning when someone yawns […]

How Sleeping On the Job Might Get You a Raise In Pay

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Sleeping while “on the clock” is perhaps one of the worst offenses you can commit at work. Depending on the nature of your job. Some jobs it’s just a minor transgression, where in others it could be called gross misconduct, grounds for severe disciplinary action. But what if sleeping on the job, otherwise known as […]

Why Are Systems Better Than Setting Goals?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] “A good system shortens the road to the goal.” ~Orison Swett Marden The idea of having concrete, achievable goals is deeply ingrained in our culture. I will talk about goals in other posts, but you will never read anything from me that puts goals ahead of process and systems. For the most part I […]

How To Get Something Done Tomorrow – Procrastination

My brother is getting married next month and he asked me to marry him, can you believe it? What an honor. His fiancée is wonderful, he’s happy, they are both excited, and I have to get fitted for a tux and get a one-day license allowing me to marry them. He texted me a few […]

Tracking Goals with Ben Franklin the Super Cool Badass

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Developing habits is hard to do because we need to force ourselves to do something that doesn’t come naturally. So, it makes sense to bring out the heavy artillery to make it happen. Been Franklin can help here…actually there’s lots of places his example can help, just read his autobiography, you’ll see what I mean. […]